
Cat Person User Guide

Screenshot How to raise a boring cat person :cat2:


Adding Tasks

The cat person can handle record tasks and help keep track of them for you in case you forget them yourself.

Marking Tasks as done

When you feel motivated and got something done, you can ask the cat person to mark it as done for some extra dopamine.

Deleting Tasks

When you realise a task is too impossible to be done or just do not feel like doing it anymore, you can tell the cat person to delete it to stop it from cluttering your screen.


If you are having a hard time visualizing how your day is going to go, you can ask the cat person to help you visualize schedule of a specific date. The events will be presented in chronological order. Note this feature only supports events with durations.

Showing Conflicts

When asked to show the schedule of a specific date, if one event starts before the previous event ends, it will be shown in red.


todo - Adds a task with description and state only.


Example of usage:

todo nothing

Expected outcome:

Got it ^UωU^ I've added this task:
[T][✘] nothing
Nyow you have 5 tasks in the wist.

deadline - Adds a task with description, date, state and optional time.

Format: deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by DATE [TIME]
Where DATE needs to be in d/M/yyyy format and TIME needs to be in H:mm format.

Example of usage:

deadline finish user guide /by 19/2/2020 23:59

Expected outcome:

Got it ^UωU^ I've added this task:
[D][✘] finish user guide (by: Wednesday 19 Feb 2020 23:59)
Nyow you have 6 tasks in the wist.

event - Adds a task with description, date, state, optional time and duration.


Where DATE needs to be in d/M/yyyy format and TIME needs to be in H:mm format and DURATION needs to be in integer number of hours.
When DURATION is specified, TIME must have been specified also.

Example of usage:

event tea party /at 25/2/2020 13:00 /for 2

Expected outcome:

Got it ^UωU^ I've added this task:
[E][✘] tea party (at: Tuesday 25 Feb 2020 13:00 for PT2H)
Nyow you have 7 tasks in the wist.

delete - Removes a task.

Format: delete INDEX

INDEX starts from 1, must not exceed the current number of tasks.

Example of usage:

delete 7

Expected outcome:

nyoted (^・'ω'・^) I've removed this task:
[E][✘] tea party (at: Tuesday 25 Feb 2020 13:00 for PT2H)
Nyow you have 6 tasks in the wist.

list - Lists all current tasks.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:


find - Find tasks with matching substring.

Format: find SUBSTRING

Example of usage:

find party

Expected outcome:


schedule - Show schedule of the specified date.

Format: schedule DATE

Where DATE needs to be in d/M/yyyy format.

Example of usage:

schedule 30/3/2020

Expected outcome:


bye - Quits the program

Expected outcome:


no you dont or no you don't - Shows some surprises